I decided to start posting all of these goodies as a way to keep everyone updated on Riley and EJ. They are growing so fast and changing so much, I didn't want anyone to miss out!
Riley is finishing up kindergarten in a couple of months. She is doing very well in school, in fact her teacher says she is one of the top writers in class! She is also starting to read very well! I am amazed at all she learns in those few hours a day she spends in school. I can only hope that her enthusiasm for school and learning sticks with her as she gets older.
Riley has also just recently advanced in rank in Tae Kwon Do again. She tested a few weeks ago for her yellow-first belt and is doing great in class. Next up is green, I'll keep everyone posted.
EJ is rapidly approaching "1"! It seems like he was just born the other day! I can't believe it's been a year (almost) already! He is such a good boy. He is always happy and smiling. He laughs a lot too. He has 6 teeth and counting. He is still in the teething stage and the more teeth he gets the more food he wants to eat! He is not picky, he eats almost anything I give him! He is crawling all over the place like a little bolt of lightning and is starting to stand up. He hasn't really tried to "cruise" yet, but that is probably coming sooner than I would like!
I hope this note finds everyone well. I will keep the updates coming!
God bless.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago
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